Home/Product Questions/I am in the process of buying a coin laundry and I would like to know how much water a Huebsch 27 lb, model HC27 uses, as well as a 35 lb, model JTO300drg.

1) Water consumption is dependent on the programmed number of baths and the programmed water levels. The Huebsch HC27 washer you mention is at least 10 years old and probably has a mechanical timer. Water consumption for a regular cycle is approximately 62 gallons of water per cycle – 10 gallons of hot water and 52 gallons of cold water. The comparable 35-pound capacity washer uses 102 gallons of water per cycle.

Huebsch washers have gone through a lot of changes in the last 10 years. All models now use the new Galaxy Control which offers tremendous flexibility for the owner. This includes the ability to control water levels and to charge a higher vend depending on the number of baths requested. By default, a Huebsch Galaxy 600 – 30 lb capacity washer-extractor uses just 26 gallons of water. Now would be a good time to consider replacing those 10+ year old machines.

Current Huebsch washer-extractors ship with water usage of approximately 0.8 gallons per rated pound capacity using a three bath cycle.

Approximate electrical power usage per load = 0.13 kWH per load for the SC27 and 0.21 kWh per load for the SC35.

2) If you have not done so, get the current sewer and energy bills for the laundromat to verify actual consumption.

3) A drying tumbler model (JT0300) was referenced at the bottom. Dryer gas consumption is highly dependent on the washer G-Force, the amount of make-up air provided and the venting.

JT0300s are very efficient compared to other dryers built at that time. If you assure the drying tumblers have sufficient make-up air, have been maintained and cleaned of lint, and that the exhaust system is clean and correctly installed you will have completed the most important steps to obtain fast drying and lower energy cost.

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