man putting clothes into washing machine

Utah laundromat featured in American Coin-Op

The owners of Oasis Laundromat had initially intended on building a commercial laundry facility at their American Fork, Utah location to support another of their businesses before COVID-19 caused them to rethink the move.   As a result of the course […]


Huebsch provides VIP service through hotline

When you buy Huebsch laundry equipment for your laundromat, you are getting far more than the world’s most reliable and efficient washer-extractors and tumble dryers. Huebsch owners are part of a larger family and reap the benefits of value-added services […]


Reap tax benefits by upgrading your laundry before the end of the year

Upgrading your laundromat isn’t just a good business decision. It’s also a timely one, due to current tax benefits.  Bonus depreciation, an accounting method that encourage businesses to invest in new equipment, gives businesses a tax break on the purchase […]


Let’s talk washer-extractors

They are the backbone of your laundromat business – washer-extractors. While it may be easy to view washers, much like consumers buying the machines for home, as merely a commodity, the reality is quite different. All washer-extractors are not created […]


‘My customers aren’t ready for apps’ …think again, they’re already using them

Still dragging your feet on going cashless and leveraging app-based payment systems because your customers, “aren’t ready for that technology”? Perhaps it is time for a different perspective. So, let’s look at just a few examples of how technology has […]


Let’s talk tumble dryers

Here’s a classic question: what’s more important to laundromat customers – washer-extractors or tumble dryers? OK, it’s really a trick question. They are both important to leaving a good impression with customers.    So, how come many owners answer washer-extractors? True, […]


Why you can’t afford long lead times

Laundromat owners must consider missed-opportunity costs  In the business world, few things can be more expensive than missed-opportunity costs. Nowhere is that more accurate than in the laundry business. Laundromat owners putting off upgrading dated equipment will suffer a heavy […]

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We’re not like the others. Learn more about what makes Huebsch the superior commercial laundry equipment provider and services for your needs. Connect with our specialists today.

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